Aware of My Body

There are times when I notice that my shoulders are pulled up towards my ears. That my back is tight. That my lips are pursed and my eyes are squinted. I didn't feel the tension slowly building. The stress increasing. The pressures of life and work tightening my muscles like rubber bands full of potential energy just before breaking. 

Suddenly being aware of your body like that is a weird sensation. Almost like being sick. When your body is functioning normally you don't think about or even feel it. When you are tense or sick or in pain you are aware of every movement, every sensation, and suddenly your body has density and mass that you can feel and with which you need to contend. 

Breathe in. Hold. Think about your shoulders melting away from your ears. Feel the muscles relax and your shoulders slump. Exhale. Repeat while concentrating on your face. Feel you features flatten. Repeat while concentrating on your back and either sit up straight or drop your shoulders towards your chest. Continue until the sense of your body fades into the background like white noise. 

Somewhere a bell rings and it's time for another round of life. 


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